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Refine technical blog - a resource for Refine, front-end ecosystem, and web development. Here, we publish insightful articles that demystify complex concepts, explore new trends, and provide helpful tips to enhance your coding journey.
How to become a modern Node.js developer?
The most essential skills to have as a modern Node.js developer
Material UI button in React
A complete guide on using Material UI button in a React app
Introduction to Next.js Link component with examples
A guide for navigation between pages using Next.js Link
How to create a CRUD app with SvelteKit
We'll build a CRUD Blog app using SvelteKit and Svelte MUI
Framer Motion examples for React animations
Framer Motion tutorial - Create text and image animations in React apps easily.
Using Google Lighthouse to improve app performance
Learn how to use the Google Chrome Lighthouse performance audit tool to identify and improve problems with your app.
CSS Grid vs Flexbox - A brief guide
In this brief guide, we compare some concept of the two most popular CSS layout methods - Grid and Flexbox.
5 Most Common useState Mistakes React Developers Often Make
Find out what the five most common mistakes React developers make with useState and how to avoid them.
Javascript Currying - Variadic Currying
Deep dive into variadic currying in JavaScript with examples
Creating a React search bar and content filtering components
Article about how to create Search bar and filter component in React
Material UI Icons in React
A complete guide on using Material UI Icons in a React app